School Structure & Schedule

  • Tungamah Primary School has two classes;
    Foundation to Grade Two
  • Grade Three to Grade Six.

The Junior class are in the larger classroom, and the Senior class in the smaller classroom next to the office.


2024 Specialist Subjects are Visual Arts, Library, Auslan and Phys Ed.


8.57am Transition to learning time; toilet, drink, into class
9.00 - 11.00am First learning session
11.00 - 11.45am LUNCH TIME
11.45am Transition to learning time; toilet, drink, into class
11.50 - 1.50pm Second learning session
1.50 - 2.15pm AFTERNOON RECESS
2.15pm Transition to learning time; toilet, drink, into class 
2.20pm - 3.15pm Third learning session 
3.15pm Music begins to signify pack up time
3.20pm End of school