Tungamah Primary School uses multiple methods to convey information to families and the community.
The newsletter provides upcoming dates and information about important school matters. It sometimes has advertisements for extra-curricular activities for your children. There are also highlights/recaps of learning and school events. In 2024, the newsletter will be published online every fortnight, and access will be through the school website. An email will be sent to families to alert them to a new newsletter, with a link for direct access. Newsletters will be able to be accessed online until the end of each year.
Families will be provided with unique access codes for the school app, uEducateUs. If you lose or forget your access code, please contact the principal who can reprint or reset access details.
uEducateUs is used to digitally share reports with families (hard copies are also printed). Parents can add absence information. School staff use uEducateUs to send text messages to all parents- information about return arrangements or if needed, emergency events.
The school website is a source of much information- policies and procedures, teaching and learning at Tungamah Primary School, and online access to past newsletters, and this parent handbook.
Facebook is used to share photos of learning activities, and to promote upcoming school wide events that community members are invited too.